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ATTENTION: If you are here because you received a spam or virus e-mail that appeared to be sent by, please read the important information below.

Please understand that we did NOT send the e-mail to you. The e-mail was not written by us, it was not sent by us and it did not originate from or ever go through our mail system.

It is simple for anybody anywhere in the world to forge the FROM address in an e-mail. But in most cases the underlying "headers" of the e-mail will reveal the real sender. Spammers have gotten smarter and learned how to almost completely hide the origin of the mail they send. With the outbreak of the Sobig virus this has been taken to a new level.

The Sobig virus infects unprotected computers and actually turns them into e-mail engines. The infected computers are instructed to send out copies of the virus with the hope of infecting more and more computers. In addition spammers can use the infected machines to send e-mail anonymously. The e-mails sent from virus infected computers can be traced back to those computers. But the owner of the computer was not the person sending the spam. The "person" sending the spam was the controller of the virus. So, the controller of the virus is hidden and untraceable.

A twist to the story is that it appears certain domain names have been targeted. Instead of the virus sending out e-mails with a random FROM address, it picks (or is instructed to use) a specific domain name with some junk characters added to create random FROM addresses. For example, you may have received an e-mail with the FROM address Somebody else may have gotten one where the FROM address is These addresses don't exist but nonetheless it appears to the person who receives the e-mail that it was sent from somebody at the domain. And we repeat, this is NOT the case.

We do not know if we were targeted specifically or were simply the unlucky winner in the virus' random drawing. There is a term when a domain is specifically targeted in this way. It is called a "Joe Job." Learn more about this HERE.

To learn more about the Sobig virus click HERE.

If you use a spam filter you may want to remove from your list of filtered domains. We are not spammers and we absolutely do not allow spammers to use our services.

If you have any questions, doubts or other concerns, please contact us.

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